Tentar sobreviver sem televisão, iPods, telemóveis, BlackBerrys e computadores, durante sete dias, foi uma tarefa agonizante e desafiante para um grupo de alunos duma escola de L.A. Com esta experiência a professora tentou ensinar aos seus alunos sobre o que é “estar ligado”, a importância da introspecção e pediu-lhes que, usando caneta e papel, escrevessem o que sentiram.
Apesar de muitos, quase terem dado em doidos, a experiência foi muito positiva. Vale a pena ler o que alguns alunos descobriram:
Daniel Romero read a book for the first time this year. Lopez actually communicated with an uncle during a rare conversation about swine flu, politics and history. Jenny Corona connected with her autistic brother, and, to her utter amazement, read an entire Harry Potter book in four days.Without her headphones blocking out the real world, Flor Salvador heard strange chirping sounds."I didn't know we had birds! “But others said that without constant stimulation, they felt as though they were more in touch with themselves and the world around them.
Apesar de muitos, quase terem dado em doidos, a experiência foi muito positiva. Vale a pena ler o que alguns alunos descobriram:
Daniel Romero read a book for the first time this year. Lopez actually communicated with an uncle during a rare conversation about swine flu, politics and history. Jenny Corona connected with her autistic brother, and, to her utter amazement, read an entire Harry Potter book in four days.Without her headphones blocking out the real world, Flor Salvador heard strange chirping sounds."I didn't know we had birds! “But others said that without constant stimulation, they felt as though they were more in touch with themselves and the world around them.
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